Sunday, July 20, 2008

It's Time to Get Goin'

Today was not productive at all.  I gave myself a manicure and a pedicure and went out to eat alone, which was kind of fun, actually.  I sat there for a really long time, just contemplating life =)  Afterwards I walked the half hour home.  It was raining.  Thunder-storming, actually.  I'm gonna shower and finish reading Franny & Zooey (J.D. Salinger).  I love reading when it's storming.  I hope I can fall asleep tonight after all the sleeping I did this weekend.  Oh. Another thing.  I really wish my host sister would wear a bra.  She always wears these disgusting tunic things with NO BRA underneath, it's disgusting!!! Her boobs are like massive and saggy.  Dinner is the only meal I really eat all day, and I should be hungry for it, but her boobs never fail to steal away my appetite.  I really hope next weekend will be fun in Nice! I know my friend Geoff (from Hong Kong) and my friend Andrea are both going! So hopefully we will have a blast.  I really hope we can get out to Monaco!  Anyway. Sorry for the multiple updates this weekend, I've been super bored.  Benny, I hope your birthday was amazing, although I am still mad at you for putting those hideous pics on FB.  Don't worry though, check out the payback in my Paris album =)

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